Saturday, August 9, 2008

Conquest of Perfection

Hope is the way of showing you the intensity of exuberance which you have for this life to get better and better. Everyone wants to be a perfect creature, wants to kill all the germs of defection and imperfections, living on the tree of life. Which don’t give up for its prolific life in the competition with natural forces. I also want to live on that tree and wants to feel complete without any melancholy in life. Because from here on the grassy ground of the garden in which that tree is resting, I feel uncomfortable for the ants and insects of difficulties and harms are biting me. And the honey bee of love and care fly around me, sometimes making me happy with its colorful and beautiful exterior of life. But then when this bee stings showing its interior, I cry longing either the end of everything or the end of fusion this love and hatred, bad and good. The creator of creation is hiding under the implicit cover of theism and atheism. The brains of mankind are dying to know the origin of this implicit cover. Which is colored with the mysterious paint of religion and mythology. While the science on other hand is roaring for letting go of this implicit and ambiguous cover of the God. Driving people into believe that here comes the glory of man conquering the natural forces of life to get nearer and nearer to that tree. Which is smiling from far far away place of this garden of creation. Leaving us to wonder either all this fuss is going to end or will leave us lost in the world of defeat and finishing us instead.


Umair said...

That is wonderful piece of writing. You ahve so much talent that needs to be fostered. Do find time and write such things. You're gonna be a great writer one day.

Sarah Khan said...

well thanks for the encouragement :).This means a lot to me..