Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A special message to the mullahs'

Wa'izu mayn woh takabbar k ilahi taubah
Apni har baat ko Awaz-e-khuda kehte hein.

Bughz-i lillah k parde main adavat zati,
Din ki arr mayn kya kehte hein kya kehte hein.

Tairay bandon ka ju haal hayi ay Shaf'i hashr,
Mairey jaison ko to kya jaane kya kehte hein.
(Allama Iqbal)

The sermonizers are afflicted with
so much of pride that
I seek Allah's mercy
They characterize their
every word
As Allah's will.

In the pretext of standing up
for Allah, they peddle their
own selfish interests.
shielding themselves
behind religion,
They say one thing
And do another.
If this is what they have done
to your people
O intercessor on the Judgement Day
then their verbaliZing
abuses to men,
like me,
mst be awesome.

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